
Please note that all of these sounds are my own. I made them, and they are possessed by me. Thank you.

Learn How To Speak Heath!

The Being Eaten By A Crocodile contest!

Do What John? (song)

Rock Notes

A Scottish Farewell

It's 5 past 9, and nearly time for 6 past 9.

I didn't say And Now For Something Completely Different this week. It is simply because I am unable to appear this week.

It's A Living

Malcom Peter Brian Telescope Adrian…

"I want to get married." "I'm afraid I'm already married!"

Michael Ellis

Mr. Gumby ranting about going abroad

Multiple Murders

Police Constable Henry Thatcher

We've won you in a police raffle!

Silly Job Interview

Timmy William's Coffee Time

Vox Pops

Whew! Bet that's a job and a half, mam'm!

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